(Bug Fix) Manual Enrollment in Classes

We've heard you loud and clear, Foxsy community! Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we always strive to make your learning experience better. That's why we're excited to announce a new update that addresses a concern many of you have expressed: manual enrollment in classes! 
We understand that not everyone wants to be automatically enrolled in all the courses when they join Foxsy. You want the freedom to choose the classes that truly pique your interest and align with your creative journey. Well, we've got great news for you! With our latest release, we're introducing a fix that puts you in control of your learning experience. 
Starting today, you can handpick the courses you want to enroll in on Foxsy. No more feeling overwhelmed by a flood of classes that may not resonate with your creative passions. Simply browse through our extensive course catalog, explore the different options, and choose the ones that speak to you. Whether you're into watercolor, hand lettering, creative journaling, or any other creative pursuit, you're now in charge of your own learning path. 

We believe that personalized learning is the key to unlocking your full creative potential. By allowing you to choose the courses you're genuinely interested in, we're empowering you to focus on what truly inspires you. Dive deep into your favorite subject, master new techniques, and embrace your creativity like never before. With manual enrollment, you'll have the freedom to learn at your own pace and explore the topics that ignite your passion. 


The Foxsy Team